BBMP IT Services
Pothole Fix
BBMP has collaborated with local NGO – Janaagraha’s (ICMyC) to launch this mobile application. This application has a simple work flow of spotting a pothole, taking a picture of the pothole and posting it on pothole fix mobile platform through the citizen’s mobile phone.

Application Workflow

- The simple workflow of snap, capture and report makes the application user friendly
- Pothole location is automatically captured through GPS feature of phone and additionally the user gets the option of adding landmark to the pothole for easy recognition and resolution
- Citizens reporting the pothole also get an option of asking friends, neighbors and other citizens affected by pothole to vote up, comment and form a group. This helps in civic participation and gives ideas to civic agencies for finding quick solution to resolve the issue
- The citizen can also see the status of reported pothole, whether the repair work is approved, and the app also gives the likely completion of pothole filling with along with details of date and time by which the pothole is filled